It may seem like simply a lot of fun, but what you come away with from a summer at
Brant Lake Dance Camp is immeasurably beneficial to your growth and your life.

Ten Things You’ll Get Out of Brant Lake Dance Camp:
- You’ll learn new skills; like making great friends and how to roast the perfect marshmallow after finding your own perfect marshmallow stick.
- You’ll learn to overcome adversity; like how to deal with and take care of a little bug bite, or that the marshmallow that you burnt really still tastes good.
- You’ll gain courage; because you will try things that you would never try at home, like Yoga or Tap (or toasted marshmallows).
- You’ll become confident; because you’ve mastered things you would never have tried at home – like tap dance or marshmallow pulled taffy! (- notice a theme here?)
- You develop compassion; as you help a friend master a combination she finds way more difficult than you did (insert your own compassionate marshmallow story here).
- You appreciate diversity because girls are coming to camp from all over the world and teachers are teaching things you never saw before. (One of them even brought, yep, lemon flavored marshmallows for everyone to try!)
- You just plain have a great time. No pretense, no expectations on you from anyone other than yourself. You dance and play all day with your friends and at night everyone goes home together and when you wake up you do it all again!
- You make memories that will last a lifetime, when you see your first shooting star while lying on the ground at the shore of beautiful pristine Brant Lake.
- You learn as much in a session of dance at Brant Lake Dance Camp as you learn in a whole semester of dance at your studio back home, and you can take up to six hours of dance each day or as few as two if you want to.
- You not only get to dance but if you want to you can to learn to waterski, play volleyball, take tennis lessons with top tennis pros, take yoga and fitness every day, learn jewelry making and pottery, watercolor painting, or play lacrosse or golf if you want to.
- What an amazing investment they are making in your future!
- What special memories they are providing you!
- What else could they, as parents, give their children that would offer them more with such extraordinary rewards?
- It’s the most unselfish thing they can do for you (because they will miss you very much).

If you’re not yet enrolled, what are you waiting for?